Faustian Pacts
It being the Christmas season, our thoughts naturally turn to making deals with the devil….. So anyway, sorry for the delay, but I hope this little diatribe was worth the wait. This go-round I sound...
View ArticleFaustian Pacts 2 – Beat the Devil
This episode premiers a loose version of the new format. I conclude my remarks on the current issues of the Amazing Spider-Man, shout out an update on the Snarky Avenger, review a new board game from...
View ArticleHoly Jim Starlin, Batman
Sorry, the show is a bit late. Okay, two weeks late. But it’s worth it! I put some extra effort into this one, and I can only hope it pays off for you. It’s an all comic book show this week, topics...
View ArticleDark Knight: morality
Okay, I stayed up past my bedtime and snuck out on opening night to see the new Batman flick, but hey, it’s Batman! So why is it taking me this long to post an analysis? Can we say catastrophic...
View ArticleGotham Knight: perspective
Following up on the success of the Dark Knight, I had to put my two cents in about the direct-to-DVD companion story. Unfortunately, I don’t have much to say, and none of it very complementary. This...
View ArticleOedipus Wayne
Grant Morrison has been dubbed the “revamp guy” over at the DC offices. Two years ago, they gave him Batman, and Morrison’s been building to this story ever since. From the checklist postcard:...
View ArticleBarry Allen is Dead!
A good old-fashion rant in the best tradition of the Snarky Avenger. I go off about the state of super hero comics, specifically the resurrection of heroes that should have stayed dead, and the...
View ArticleBrave and the Batman
The gang is back in house, properly bribed with chili and cornbread. We caught up on the latest episodes of the new Batman cartoon – Brave and the Bold – and then talked a bit about other animated...
View ArticleInterview w/Matt Hawes
Join me over at Comics Unlimited as I talk to owner Matt Hawes about the new Spirit movie, the influence that people like Will Eisner have had on comics literature, and an upcoming documentary of the...
View ArticlePull and Hold
Following a technically challenged chat with the Snarky Avenger, I’m on about comic books. We revisit Rann Thanagar Holy War, dog on Final Crisis a bit, and check on the status of my pull and hold...
View ArticleAmbush at Evil Con
So, I had like two days warning when I found out there was an anime con at the local library. I grabbed my mic, ambushed a few people, and generally had a great time. Here’s what happened! Otaku...
View ArticleSpirit Blades, Lantern Rings
It was my great priveledge to have Paeter Frandsen of Spirit Blade Productions give up some of his busy work day to talk about his current project: Dark Ritual, upcoming projects, and the essential...
View ArticleLion’s Gate Marvels
Marvel Comics has really dominated the animated movie landscape for the past three years or so. I take the time to look at the recent offerings from Lion’s Gate and break down the subtext of my...
View ArticleChanging Comic Book Habits
I take my microphone and kids to the park for a bear-free picnic. While they hopefully wear themselves out on the equipment, I talk about the way my comic book habits are changing. I’m buying fewer...
View ArticleViolent Chick-Lit
If you’ve missed the media hype surrounding Suzanne Collins’ dystopian sci-fi trilogy “The Hunger Games”, then you may in fact consider yourself fortunate. The guys and I sit around the round table and...
View ArticleChicago ComicCon Unlimited
I drop in on Comics Unlimited to see how Matt Hawes enjoyed his trip to Chicago. Of course we go on for more time than is really necessary about stuff that no one else finds interesting, but I think we...
View ArticleWith a Vengeance
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance roared into theaters this weekend, and I squeezed some time out to catch an early matinee. I’ve been a Ghost Rider fanboy since 1982, when Roger Stern shared the...
View ArticleDark Sun Apocalypse
Curtis and I continue our Doomsday Prepping, focusing this time on how to get ready for the advent of the Dark Sun, when a rogue asteroid spins our planet into a closer orbit, turning the world into a...
View ArticleDoctor Who at Titan Comics
I’m afraid my association with Doctor Who is not as extensive or storied as it could be. I watched Tom Baker and Elizabeth Sladen on PBS with the rest of my generation but I was always more interested...
View ArticleWacky Raceland
In the summer of 2016, Warner Bros decided to try and reimagine their popular Hannah-Barbera cartoon characters as more mature versions of themselves. This line included four titles: Future Quest,...
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